Monday, September 26, 2011

The lion park

 On Saturday we went to the lion park! It was awesome. We got to go into this baby cub enclosure and pet the baby lion! Although shockingly they weren't all that cooperative and kept running around. They did however, stay put when chewing on someones sneakers and pulling the laces so they untied.

In that area they also had an enclosure of meerkats aka Timone from The Lion King.
trying to dig his way out of there

 Then we went on the safari part. We were in this giant van that had a gate all around it. The group of eight of us were pretty much the only people going at that time so we could each get a "window" seat. The first area we went to was the herbivore area. They let them all roam together so there were giraffes, zebras, ostriches, springboks, and more.

If you can see the red on his legs, it is because he is looking for a mate

for some reason, they all eat facing the same in direction

 Then we went into the carnivore section. First we passed by a family of lions.

The dad was yawning not roaring.
Then we went into a section of albino lions.

And then the coolest thing ever happened, these two male lions and some other male lion started having like, a conversation. They weren't roaring but they were going back in forth with like semi roar sounding noises. It was so cool.
All the work was clearly tiring to this guy.

Don't you just want to rub his belly?

And then we saw a cheetah. It was started to run and then stopped and just chilled for his photo op.

And that was our trip to the lion park!

1 comment:

  1. "we loved your book you gave us and we miss you so much" Kara
