Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time to go

Well the end has come.
This semester went by fast.
I will miss it here so much.
South Africa is awesome.
The people I met here are awesome.
I am so unbelievably glad I came.
I'm going to miss these people and this place and everything.








Friday, November 18, 2011


This entire blog post may or may not be solely photos of trees.
*spoiler alert* there is a winged creature at the end
It is still mostly trees.
Whatever, It's my blog and I can do whatever I want.
My most favorite tree is the Jacaranda.
They are so pretty and purple. I love them.
Mom, I want one for Christmas.

Anyway, the post is that this post mostly trees and in that mostly Jacaranda trees.

The tree outside my window
Which came first the tree or the giant square walkway

one of my classes is in that building on the left


we also have palm trees. Yeah I don't know but they are all over.


hey look! almost fall colors!

winged creature