Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I realized I never put of photos of my campus! Oops. But I figure with less then a month left these should go up. So I walked all around campus to get these pics, and it was really hot out so I was all gross and sweaty so ya'll better appreciate this.

Anyways here you go.

This is the matrix aka the student center or student union or whatever the hell you call it. Inside there's a ridiculous amount of food places, it's kind of like a mall food court.

This is a stadium type thing. They have events here sometimes.

The pool, outdoors of course.

This is the Great Hall. People like to chill on the steps.

And the view from the great hall.
The great hall and the fountain out front

and now we go off to get to West Campus

A tower with snacks and right near some of my classes! It has the most delicious chocolate croissants.

A pond.

The tunnel is the other way to get to west campus (there is a highway that the tunnel goes under and the thing above goes above, but I didn't even realize the road was there for the longest time. I'm super observant like that)

These here are the gates to get on/off campus. You just swipe your student ID card and push and it rotates in a circle. They are old and kind of creaky and sometimes stop and go and I am terrified I am going to get stuck in there. These is is more frightening when one of us forgets our ID card and we have to squeeze two in at a time.

I took photos of the buildings my classes are in too, but ya know, this is already a lot of photos. Plus they are taking forever to upload. In case you were wondering one is called the chamber of mines and one is called the old grandstand. My classroom buildings look like buildings. I know you have an amazing visual in your head so I'm not going to bother with uploading the photos.

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