Thursday, November 10, 2011


 So we went to this place called carnivores as a very early birthday. omg. There was so much meat. But before we get to the fact that I ate half the animals I saw at the lion park here are some fun facts!

-I have one final left!
-Then we are going to Capetown for a few days. Getting transportation down there was a pain in the butt but we finally got some plane tickets. It will be nice to see another part of South Africa. A lot of people went during spring break and said it was really nice.
-It is getting hot here! The sun seems stronger here. But it is so nice to curl up in the sun outside. Yet, despite the time I spend doing this I am just as white as ever. Why do I not tan? Whyyyyyy
-I've gotten in the habit of walking around I-house sans shoes. Mainly because it's flip-flop season and I hate shoes.
-I calculated, I will be on a two planes for a total of 22 hours on the way back. and then airport time and getting to the airport and customs and layovers. SO MUCH TRAVELING. 

Vegetarians be warned. Although we dragged a vegetarian and a vegan along and they ate some. First off, they did not stop feeding you. Seriously. There was no wait time what so ever. It wasn't an order food place just a flat free but they served you. So this is what is was we sat down and pretty soon after the came over with (one at a time but like you'd get one and then before you finished then next would be getting put on your table)
  • the most delicious bread.
  • potato and leek soup, which was really really good. I've never though of myself as a soup person but I enjoyed this
  • Salad (in salad form and then smaller of tomato, beans, corn, cucumber maybe more?)
  • Pap and that sauce thing that goes with it.
Then the meat began to come. it was either skewered and they would push off a piece for you or a giant chunk on a skewer and they would shave off a piece for you. I'll start with the regular meats
  • pork sausage -meh
  • pork ribs -yum
  • chicken- chicken like
  • beef-I don't remember. There was so much meat.
  • ham-at this point I was really excited to get a meat that tasted familiar.
Then the special meats.
  • Kudu- it came in meatball form. It was okay, but not my fav. a little creamy and has a bit of spice to it.
  • Impala-it was good
  • crocodile-meh, it was okay. a little fishy which I am not a fan of.
  • zebra-okay don't judge me here, but zebra was delicious.
  • Gemsbok (antelope)- not a fan
Anyway, it was so much meat. I felt a little bad because I just couldn't eat eat it all but I wanted to try it all (except chicken livers) so a lot wasn't eaten. It was so cool though, I am glad I went. And there was a dessert buffet.

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