Monday, August 15, 2011

Cooking in the kitchen

So this cooking thing.


I googled baking in a microwave, because I like to bake and baked goods are delicious. Plus my bananas were a wee bit brown so we made banana bread microwave style. For being made in a microwave it wasn't half bad. It helped that we had all the ingredients this time. And measuring cups and spoons. All of those things are very helpful. So Jenni and I went to work

Why yes, yes we did in fact use a pot as a mixing bowl.

Then it was microwave time (which took forever, the recipe said 7-9 minutes haha no. it took like 45 minutes maybe an hour. We in the international house don't have the highest functioning appliances...did I ever mention my hotplate kind of exploded? No worries though, I got a new one)

in it goes

For being cooking in the microwave, it was good. It was a bit of an odd consistency/texture or something but it was yummy. As you can see it was devoured by those lucky enough to get some :)

Yes, we did eat in on the floor on outside my room, with a our hands and a lone knife.  But hey, at least we had a knife.

all that remained


  1. Dear Julia, (I'd better do a more complete job of editing this comment than I did on the last one. What an embarrassment!) As you know by now, I never made it to Maplewood because Pepper got sick. Now, Karen and I will probably not see each other until Thanksgiving. Will you be home by then? Very slick in the kitchen, my Dear. It looks like the aroma of your home baked banana bread brought the whole dorm by to sample the goods!
    Love, Aunt K.

  2. Wow! What fun! It must have been delicious. What will your next microwave masterpiece be?

  3. dare i suggest green potatoe pie?

  4. hahaha yes green potato pie sounds delicious.

    And yes, Aunt Kate, I will be home for thanksgiving. Though I fly in that morning so I might be a little tired.

  5. This recipe might work: 1/2 c butter; 1/2 c milk; 4 tbsp. cocoa; 2 c sugar; 1/2 c peanut butter; 3 c quick oats.
    Micro on high, in large bowl, for 3 min., butter, milk, cocoa, sugar.
    Stir, and micro for 2 more min.
    Remove from heat and add peanut butter. Stir until melted.
    Add oats and stir.
    Drop by spoonfuls onto cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
    Refrigerate until cool.
    Makes 24 large cookies.
    Let me know if you try it.
    I wonder what classes you had today.
    Love, Aunt Kate

  6. If I had known you would be relying on microwaves, I would've given you some of our "Gourmet Microwave Meals" cookbooks from when microwaves were really popular (in the 1970s? 80s?). Unfortunately, we just gave them away, as microwaves are not really considered gourmet these days :)
