Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun Facts

  • People here move much slower. They walk slower. I am used to rushing to class and everyone takes their sweet time moving down the sidewalk.
  • Speaking of, they walk on the opposite side (most of the time), sidewalks and staircases are super confusing and I am always going on the wrong side.
  • They have fun juices like mango and litchi and apricot and guava.
  • Cans are heavier here. Like soda cans and cans of juice. I always think I have more in the can when it's empty and its just that the cans are heavier. 

  • The sockets are round. They also have on and off switches so like, you can leave stuff plugged in but turn off the electricity. That there is two sockets next to each other.

  • Also, I got a student ID card. I have kept up with my tradition of awful school ID photos :)
  • The classes are in no order what so ever. You could have a class Monday at 10 then Tuesday at 8 then Thursday at 3. It's odd. 
  • Speaking of I have a class at 8. I have managed to avoid that my entire college career. Impressive right?  Lots of people are in it though so I should hopefully not sleep through it. 
  • The books are like, not books. We get course packs, which have the syllabus and then all the readings in it. The readings are then various articles all in one place, printed and in general chronological order.

  • You know google...I get google South Africa. 


  1. I think the fast walking thing is a Northeast thing - it bothers me at school too. I mean, why leave for class 10 minutes early when you can leave 3 minutes early and speedwalk? Thanks for the updates :) Hope you are trying those interesting juices...

  2. oh yeah, it's definitely a NYC thing that spills out into the surrounding suburbs. Walking on the wrong side reminds me of London! :)
