Sunday, August 21, 2011


I study abroad.
Across an ocean.
A trip the takes way to much time on a plane.
Basically a day of traveling.
To another country.
Another continent.
You know, Africa.

And look who follows me there.

It was really nice to see them. It was a little weird that they were like, here, in South Africa. Ya know?
Anyways they saw my campus and we went and got food and all that good stuff. Now they're back at their hotel, asleep already I'm sure and off to Botswana in the morning.


  1. and dad are officially on a blog.

  2. Dear Julia,
    Your parents look so cute and happy! I wonder where they are today and what they're up too. And you.
    Aunt Kate

  3. How nice! I hope they're having fun. And it must have been nice to see familiar faces when you're in a foreign country! Too bad I can't visit you, that would be pretty awesome...

  4. Hi, dear,
    It was so nice to hug you!
